
Spring 2020 Newsletter

Our Mission

“To Promote Awareness, Education and Prevention of Crimes Against Children on the Internet”

Internet crimes are often thought of as victimless. Nothing could be further from the truth. Children and teenagers can and do become victims of internet crimes.


  • Enticing them through online contact for the purpose of engaging them in sexual acts.
  • Using the Internet for the productions, manufacture, and distribution of child pornography.
  • Using the Internet to expose youth to child pornography and encourage them to exchange pornography.

How can I protect my kids while using Zoom?

During COVID-19 one of the most popular applications to use for virtual meetings has been Zoom. Please read and use the 5 tips to keep yourself and your kids safe while using this app!

Use Zoom? These 5 safety tips can keep the ‘Zoombombing’ hackers away

Check out some other resources here: Video Conferencing Apps: A new playground for cyber criminals

IICACC has proudly been partnering with the Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council for the last couple of years to help encourage internet safety. Thank you to the Girl Scout troops that have invited us to present to their troops and helping the girls earn their Online Safety badges and fun patches!

Support Local!

IICACC Donated cases to our front line heroes!
We challenge your business to do the same.

Because of COVID-19, the Girl Scout Cookie Program had to end abruptly and our remaining inventory.

Demonstrate your community spirit by purchasing Girl Scout Cookies TODAY! We have hundreds of small businesses that need your help!

Your purchase becomes a donation that will provide Girl Scout Cookies to our essential and front line workers.

Check out: Business Bosses Supporting Cookie Bosses

Don’t forget to challenge your friends to join us in the cookie challenge! #BusinessBossesSupportGirlBosses #CookieBosses #GirlScoutCookies

The IIICACC Board is actively working on the development of a smooth and efficient system for offering live video conferencing capabilities for some future presentations where in-person meetings would be difficult or impractical. If, as expected, it is successful, presentations (including live video feeds) will also soon be available on both our website and Facebook page. This same technology is currently being used to conduct monthly Board meetings in lieu of physical attendance at our established meeting location. We look forward to offering this as an option for future presentations.

Visit our website to see our calendar for future community events and presentations. Contact us if you would like a presentation at your event, team meeting, school, church, community organization, or group. We are setting up virtual options for presentations.

We wish you all the best during these challenging times. Please help keep your children safe on the Internet.

Your IICACC Board Members

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